Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Most people think that it takes a lot of different things, specifically money to be happy. But that's where they are wrong. Happiness is within you. You can have everything in the world and still not be happy. The recent research indicated that what brings happiness to people is love, good companionship and circle of good friends. I recently watched a Japanese movie called, after life. The concept was very interesting where number of people were dead and they were in an interim stage. The dead people had to pick a memory from their life time and the remaining memories would be erased. There was a seventy two years old guy who could not come up with any memory. So they gave him seventy two tapes, each representing a year of his life and asked him to watch it. It seemed that he had a very ordinary life, married and going to work everyday. The memory that he wanted to keep was about a night that he went to see a movie with his wife!! Interestingly, most people's memories involved someone else such as when they were in love or when they shared something with someone,... . I mean, think about it, what memory would you pick and why?


Anonymous said...

That is so tough!
But it is true that what I'd want to keep should include all the persons I love. I guess the holidays of two years ago in Italy, spent with my family and the man I love.

Cyrus said...

Nice story.
I agree with "me" in the sense of bringing all friends into that moment. Real friends. Then, you'll have your happy life back.

Baby Blues said...

it would definitely have to be when A. and I eloped! No career or school memories, it's all about love.

Shirin said...

If I had to take only one memory it would definitely be my husband and I cuddling up on our comfy sofa, drinking wine and laughing ourselves silly about stuff.
But if I were aloud two memories, my second one would be being very little and living in our dodgy, rented flat with my Mum and Dad during the war when we couldn’t keep the house warm and so just had to literary live under the corsy and every day my dad would write a bit more of his book and at night he would read it to my mum and I who would sit there laughing until we had pomegranate juice coming out of our noses.
Funny, apart from love, both my keeper-memories also feature laughter.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, this is real tough! Happiness is state in life’s randomness of fond moments, including ourselves and others. It all depends when you ask and who is significant in my life at that moment in time. Being a social being it usually involves others due to our need for acceptance and recognition.