Monday, December 25, 2006

Once upon a time

Have you noticed that different people bring different side of you out. Some people bring the best and some bring the worst out of you.

Once upon a time I had this lover who brought the best out of me. With him I was wonderful, relax, spiritual, motivated, deep, healthy, energetic, thin and happy.

And once upon a time I had this boyfriend who brought the worst out of me. I was insecure, angry and jealous. Sometimes I would get so angry that I thought I will have a heartattack. I believed that I had temper issues. I started seeing a therapist so I can get my anger under control. Ironically, not too many people have seen me angry because I never get angry. But with him I would go to the roof. Recently I read that lack of trust in relationship brings, insecurity, anger and jealousy. So maybe it was all due to lack of trust. Perhaps.


shadi said...

don't let anyone affect ur energy like that... ur energy is so wonderful and rare...

shadi said...

btw... happy one year of blogging! :-)

Anonymous said...

Life is too short to hold grudges.

Relax, take a break. Watch a film e hindi.

