Monday, December 25, 2006


I don’t think I am sad per se. But I am not as happy as last year or a year before. Maybe I have matured. Maybe I am more me. Maybe I am more comfortable. May be I have no mask in front of good friends any more. Or maybe I am sad.


David said...

Hi Mehrabaneman, thanks for your visit to my blog! You reminded me of an extraordinary experience that I had a few months ago. I wrote about it in a return comment to you.

I have read some of your recent posts and I like your way of thinking about things. :)

Regarding Sadness, it makes me a bit sad to have to wear masks in front of people. However, I really dislike the negative judgements that many people would cast upon me if they really knew my thoughts. So, unfortunately, masks are often necessary. I wonder, would the world be a better place if no one could wear a mask? If we could all read each other's thoughts and emotions it would be impossible to lie, for example. I don't know, maybe people would hate each other even more if they really knew what others thought, but it would certainly be easier to find true friendship and love! I hope you will feel happiness soon! :)

David said...

Hi again. Sorry if I confused you. In answer to your question, I wrote a comment in response to your comment to my ESP post. Thanks for your Happy wishes. :)

vichchoobhai said...

sadness anf happiness are two sides of the same coin meherban